Last fall, we packed up the kids and took a drive to Yosemite National Park. I love that there are so many fun California things to do all within just a few hours from home. Day trips are a favorite of ours- especially since hotel rooms can be a little chaotic with little ones. (I can see the light at the end of the tunnel as our trip to Zephyr Cove worked out so well and EVERYONE slept in their own beds all three nights :) ).
Yosemite is BEA-U-TI-FUL. If you haven't ever been, GO! People travel from all over the world to visit it, and I know I take for granted that it is right in our backyard. A few times a year, the Park hosts days where guests can get in for FREE. It usually costs $20 per car...saving a few bucks never hurt anyone. You can find out the FREE days here.
We packed up an ice chest with sandwiches, drinks and snacks and were on our way. The drive is pretty scenic, however it gets a little windy once you get close the park, and within the park. We learned the hard way as, without warning, Luke started throwing up from being car sick. Ugh. The last 15-20 miles took close to an hour because we had to pull over every few minutes, roll down the windows and even get out of the car. I felt terrible that we forgot he gets carsick. In my defense, he has only thrown up 1 time in the car before and it was over 2 years ago. Most of our trips don't include mountain, windy driving so we didn't even think about it. But boy, will I NEVER forget it now. Luckily, the planner in me always packs an extra outfit for both kids anytime we go somewhere.
When we got there, we found a nice meadow, ate lunch and did some exploring. There are so many amazing places to visit in Yosemite; waterfalls, rock formations, trails, Giant Sequoias, and SO much more. For this trip, we stuck to Yosemite Valley- for Luke's sake since he wasn't feeling 100%. I didn't mind at all. Here are a few pictures that Aaron took from our day.
The first 2 pictures show El Capitan on the left and Half Dome off in the distance right in the center.

Sentinel Meadow
El Capitan
What are your favorite places in Yosemite?
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