Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Tahoe - Zephyr Point

Last weekend the 4 of us packed up and went to visit Aaron's sister and her family at Zephyr Cove, NV. My Mother-in-Law, Brother-in-Law and Grandfather-in-Law all joined us for the weekend. We all spent Thursday-Sunday up there at Zephyr Point Conference Center where my Brother-in-Law, Ryan, works. 

Here we are, on our way... Chloe barely made it into the photo lol.

Love this sweet little face

 Made a pit stop at Costco to fill up the gas tank and grab some lunch!

 As soon as we got to our hotel room, we changed and went straight to the private beach!

The girl cousins, Naomi, Addie and Chloe 

 Luke, Addie and Chloe

Our Nephew, Caelum

 I spy a Chloe

The three big kids watching and singing with Uncle Ryan leading Day Camp Sing

Lake Tahoe 

My incredibly brave 7-year-old niece jumping off the pier- there was a lifeguard right there watching her :)

Building sandcastles is serious business

On a walk- one of my favorite pictures of the trip. 

 All of the big cousins getting some Super Why time.

We took a quick trip over to Carson City, NV to check out the state capital of Nevada. 

 Nelson Family Selfie with the State Capital building

 Of course we visited the Nevada State Railroad Museum. If you didn't know by now, Luke LOVES trains. He was so excited to see all of the trains. It was a little too historical for him to understand, but he loved looking at the huge steam engines and watching the train go through the railroad crossing.

 Luke attempting to look at a picture with 3-D glasses.

 Chloe didn't quite get it, lol.

 They loved looking at the old signal lights and railroad crossing. 

 Of course this kept them entertained for quite a while, I think they missed their trains and tracks while we were gone.

 The museum has a lot of green space and fun outdoor exhibits to check out. It even has a small dog park. 

 Cave Rock Tunnel is a really neat tunnel cut out of a rock. This is the north side, I didn't get a picture of the south side which has a much cooler look to it. 

Luke loves tunnels and I was able to get his surprised look as we drove through it.

 These two. Silliest kids I know. Also, why did it take me sooo long to realize how convenient it is to put snacks in cups rather than their hands. Very helpful in the car too!

The main reason for our trip was to all get together to celebrate Papa's (Aaron's grandpa) 85th Birthday! Here he is with 4 of the 5 grand-kids.

We had a great time on our trip and can't wait to go back to visit the McKenzie's again. If you are heading to the Tahoe area, check out Zephyr Point. They have cabins for rent or you can stay in one of their 2 hotels. Having the private beach with lifeguards is always nice when traveling with little ones, too.

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