Monday, January 30, 2017

Life Lately- January 2017

Well, it is FINALLY cooling off! January was so cold and wet that I was starting to forget what it felt like to be hot- ha just kidding, we basically melt during the summer where we live. But really, the weather over the weekend was so nice that we actually got to go outside and play! My kids would basically spend 25 hours a day outside if they could :). We had a movie night this weekend and watched Chicken Little, and then Sully for us grown ups after the kiddos went to bed. 

Sometimes these kids just love each other and they would basically give up every single toy they have for graham crackers!

Luke as been really into playing games lately so Aaron spent some time attempting to teach him Checkers. It seemed like he started getting it towards the end ;) The best part was saying 'King Me!'

ANNNDD, Luke started soccer on Saturday. He had his first practice and game Saturday morning. It was so cute to watch the kids play- most of the time they didn't have a clue as to what was going on. Luke and his best friend Landon are on the same team, so that makes it double fun!

They spent a good amount of the game doing this though... lol. 

And of course, who doesn't love a little McDonalds after a hard game of soccer :)

Saturday afternoon was spent hanging around the house, cleaning and playing outside. This girl Loves her Elmo hat and driving her car.

We got together again Saturday night with friends for a game night. These 4 kiddos are growing up so fast! In just a few short months, my BFF will have her 3rd baby ( yay! ) and between the 2 of us couples, we will have a newborn, a 1 year old, a 2 year old, a 3 year old and a 4 year old! WHAT!!

Sunday, we went exploring a new shopping center near our house. There has been a ton of turnover, so it was fun to see the new stores and restaurants.  

And of course, the family who Jamba's Together, Stays Together :)

This week is going to be SUPER busy for me at work so I am sure it will fly by. And then next weekend will be so fun because my sister and her family are coming into town and we are celebrating my niece's 3rd birthday! Plus- it's Superbowl weekend! Let's go Falcons!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Smart Mom

Yesterday was a day, boy was it a day. The kids managed to sneak into our closet, take all of the board games to Luke's room and dump everything out on the floor. All within a matter of about 15 minutes of 'unsupervised' playtime. UGH. Frustrated that it took so much longer to pick everything back up than it did to create the mess in the first place. And then....Aaron and I were making dinner. A quick chicken and rice meal. The rice was on the stove and on his way to set down the thawed chicken so we could George Forman those suckers, the plate dropped to the floor, shattering into pieces and getting ooey, gooey uncooked chicken all over the kitchen floor. It was a day.

So due to our dinner mess, I decided to just run and grab a pizza instead. I took the kiddos with me to give Aaron just a few minutes of peace. I wasn't quite sure how the kids would behave seeing as it was just about an hour shy of bedtime- which is witching hour in our house. But they were actually pretty good. While getting the pizza, the kids were 'playing' an arcade game. There was a woman with her teenage son behind us in line and they were commenting on Luke's spiderman sweatshirt. I was praying the kids didn't do something crazy to draw unwanted attention. And when we finally got pizza in hand, I had Luke carry the packets of peppers.  On our way out, I looked up at the mom and she looked straight at me and said, "Smart Mom," as a reaction to me giving Luke- the busy body- something to carry. 

Those two simple words just about made my night. So often in this world, we judge others and have such high and mighty opinions. We see a mom or dad struggling with their child and we stare with eyes of judgement as their kid screams as loud as possible. 'the parent must be doing something wrong, I would never ALLOW my child to behave that way, you must do it how I say because I am the greatest and smartest parent who ever lived!'

But in that moment, that mom of a son, identified with me. She saw me with my two little ones- who can quite often be more then this one momma can handle- and she didn't judge me for letting them distract themselves with a game while I ordered. She didn't judge the fact that when I called both kids over, several times, that only Chloe came and Luke totally ignored me. She understood me, having a boy herself and gave me verbal props for handling my kids.

That doesn't always happen, in fact, outside of someone saying, 'oh your kid is cute', not many compliments are aimed my way. One time, at a theme park, a lady behind Luke and me in line, pointed out that his underwear was on backwards- thanks to a shirt that exposed his belly when his arms were raised. I said, "WHAT! Thank you so much for letting me know! Our day has been a train wreck and now I know why, His underwear is on backwards. Stop the presses everyone, I have a kid with backwards underwear here, he is clearly not capable of doing anything himself and I will have to be dressing him until his last day on this earth!!"

Just kidding, I never said that. I just simply replied, " well I am just glad he has underwear on to begin with,". Gee thanks lady, are you pointing out the flaws of a fellow mamabear, or the flaws of a little 4 year old boy? Either one isn't great.

I admit, I probably used to be a somewhat judgmental person. Then you have kids and you do the best you can and put on a happy face while doing it. I have been the one with the screaming kid and I have seen others go through it themselves. I have gotten those looks for other parents for treating my child like a person instead of giving in to their every whim all the while not preparing for disappointment and how to deal with it. Parenting is HARD. And it never gets easier. You think, oh once they are potty trained it will be easier. But then you spend the next year worrying about accidents. Oh once they go to school it will be easier and you will have more time to yourself? Um really? Because I sure spend a lot of my me-time getting things ready for school in the morning, thinking about taking a lunch to school, worrying about how he is behaving and if I did a good job raising him up until this point, worrying about other influences,, etc. No it doesn't get easier, it just gets different.

So thank you to that mom who told me I was a 'Smart Mom.' She will never know that her words affected me deeply and I am grateful she chose to say them aloud. We should do more of that. Praising one another. Parenthood is a long, eventful, sometimes messy, but utterly amazing journey. And there are sooo many of us on the same roller coaster. Let's give each other a high-five every once and a while. Good job, you are raising another human being. Good job, you are doing the best job you can. Good job, you are teaching the hard lessons, Good job, you are sharing in the joy of childhood. 

Because I bet you are a Smart Mom, too. or Dad :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Over The Weekend

What a nice LOOOOONG weekend. I am lucky enough to have every Friday off, so when there is a Monday holiday, I get a 4-day weekend!

Luke started Preschool last week and he loved it! I was able to be a part of drop-off and pick-up on Friday and it was so cute. At drop-off, he saw a few kids from him his class while we were waiting and begged to get out of the car to play with them. And at pick-up, he ran out of the class with his very first art project in hand. He was so proud. I was worried about this transition, but the kid has taken to it like a champ. Still working on 'non-parental supervised lunch' as he threw his whole lunch away on Friday for some reason, but we will get there!

Best friends...

We didn't do too much over the weekend. Next weekend starts a 6-week commitment to soccer, so it was nice to just lay low. We watched the playoff games. I went 2-4 on the games, better than last weekend. lol.

Also, Aaron started building a shed for our side yard. My husband is very much a do-it-youselfer, much to my benefit. He customized every closet in our old house- 5 of them- and both of the kids' closets in our new house. ( See here , here  and here ) He put a 20 x 11 foot covered patio in at our old house, attached to our house,  with shingles and all, and the list goes on and on. Well, our new house has a larger side yard on one side so we decided to put in a shed so we can keep the garage as clean as possible. We got all of the materials on Sunday and he began the work yesterday. Unfortunately for us, there is rain in the forecast for about the next week, so it might take a little longer than expected, but it will be so great to have it done.

 Chloe basically thought she was building it and was very helpful and supportive to daddy.

More to come on the shed :)

What did you do during the long holiday weekend?

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

My Heart Went Off To School Today

Today, January 11, 2017 marks a HUGE day for the Nelson family. My favorite boy in the whole world left the only world he has ever known to begin his school career and his first day of Pre-K. I still can't believe that my oldest is starting Kindergarten this fall. Man, time flies! I certainly have mixed feelings about this whole process. After some discussion over Christmas break, the Hubs and I decided to get Luke in a 2-day-a-week preschool to get him ready for Kindergarten. 

My baby boy. The kid who made me a mom. My sweet son is stepping out of the house and into the world. We have been a blessed family in terms of work schedules. For most of Luke's life, I taught college classes with a very flexible schedule. I am lucky that now I get every Friday off.  The Hubs has maintained a flexible schedule with photography so he has been the one at home most of the time. Luke has spent almost every single day with either his mom, dad, or both of us! 

This is a big adjustment. A necessary change. I am excited because I know that this is the start of something great. More friendships, activities, learning, experiences good and bad. He is becoming a KID. I'm sad because he is scared. This is brand new territory for him and he is sad to leave us. We have been talking about how amazing Preschool will be every chance we get, but he is still scared. It tortures me, the thought that I am going to leave him at a new place and he will be sad, probably cry. I know he will get over it quickly, but my heart aches that it upsets him so. 

And poor little Chloe. She hasn't known a time she didn't have her big brother around every second of the day. It will be an adjustment for her too. 

Cheers to a new phase and the start of a brand new adventure!

Monday, January 9, 2017

What a Weekend!

Rain, Rain Rain. We have been getting slammed with rain lately and it doesn't seem to be letting up until the end of the week! Man, rainy days are so hard to keep our outdoor-loving kids occupied. They just LOVE to be outdoors, exploring and playing. 

On Friday, we went to one of our favorite places: Gilroy Gardens. If you have little kids, probably 6 and under, this is the theme park for you! Gilroy Gardens is the perfect getaway/day trip for us and the kids love it there. The rides are geared towards a younger crowd and it's just such a nice park. There are huge trees shading you everywhere you go, education exhibits, family friendly rides and more. We went 5 or 6 times with our 2016 season passes. One of the best things about it is that it is much more low-key than Disneyland. Don't get me wrong, Disneyland is AMAZING. And I know our kids will love it when they get to go in the next few years. But Gilroy Gardens is much more our speed, with a 2 and 4 year old. There are no long lines, healthy food options and a playground too!

Both of the kids' favorite ride, the Train

On the carousel.

Driving the Fire Truck

They also love driving these little cars.

The Hot Air Balloons, or hot balloons as the kids call it.

This year, there were Lumination decorations and performances at night at Gilroy Gardens. I took a few photos of the decor. This dragon is over 80 feet long, and it's made out of plates and other dishes.

Part of the original Bonafonte Waterfalls

 On the Panoramic Wheel- my least favorite ride. This was actually the first time I rode it. 

They pretended they were pulling us in the sleigh we were sitting in....

More decor

One more time on the big carousel.

Spiderman rides fish too!

We love our visits to Gilroy Gardens and look forward to when it opens again this spring so we can play in their waterparks too! For more about our trips to Gilroy Gardens, click here.

On Saturday my dad and step-mom came over for a visit. The kids loved playing all their new games from Christmas and showing them their new toys. My parents are good sports :)

Sunday, we just relaxed at home and watched the playoff games. I went 0-4 on teams I was rooting for this time. Oh well, hopefully next weekend I will choose the right teams :)

We spent some time outside on Sunday because it actually felt warm! We played catch, kicked the soccer ball and worked on hitting off of a T-ball.... and then, I found her like this!

This sweet girl loves to wear dresses, do her hair... And get dirty. 

How was your weekend, did it rain in your neck of the woods?

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Welcome Back, Blair

Happy 2017! I know, I know, it has been 2017 for 5 days now, but I am just getting back into the blogosphere. I had a glorious almost 2 weeks off of work and I took the chance to stay away from electronics and just be with my family. 

I came back to work on Tuesday after being gone for 12 days....and there were piles of work on my desk. I am still trying to get a handle on the work I missed, does that happen to anyone else?

I never got a chance to post about Christmas, so stay tuned, it's coming :)

But first, Luke's Awana's group sang at a retirement community just before Christmas. This was his first performance of any kind so I was super excited about it. The kids in his class all wore Halos- and the leaders let little Chloe wear one too. 

Cheeeeeese :)

My favorite 4 year old in the world :)

She was sooo excited to wear her halo and be a big kid with the others.

There was a group of about 30 kids from the different age groups. They sang for about 20 minutes and did 7 songs. Luke did great and Chloe loved standing up there. She didn't know the songs, but she had fun dancing the entire time....wonder where she gets that?!

Here is a video from the night. SO CUTE!!!