Monday, September 26, 2016

Last Weekend

I have shared several times about our new house and how much I love it. I have also shared about how handy my husband is and his amazing skills before, too. (Chloe's closet and Luke's closet) Well, last weekend, he added another project to his list of accomplishments. Our house came with a great cut-out for an entertainment center. It also had a great set of built-in lower cabinets in the hallway for storage. The first weekend we moved in, Aaron mentioned something about moving the hallway cabinets into the entertainment center cut-out in the living room. You know, I love, love, LOVE that about him. ALWAYS thinking outside the box. And the man can do ANYTHING. I mean he built an 11' by 20' patio cover (with shingles and everything, permitted too :)! ) with his bare hands. I have always had complete faith in his abilities. So Friday night, we got the project started. Here is the before picture of the entertainment center cut-out.

The cabinets were a BEAST to move. It was 2 sets of 3-door cabinets. However, the top piece was glued down to the cabinets instead of nailed, so it had to be moved as one MASSIVE 6 door cabinet. The two of us rolled up our sleeves, turned on Toy Story for the kids so they stayed out of the way while we were moving the piece, and got to lifting. Once we got it free from the wall in the hallway and closer to the living room, Aaron really put his skills to the test. He added more trim to each side and the top because the cabinets were 2 inches smaller then that cut out (go figure), and drilled all of the holes needed to use for wires and cables. 
As you can , we were both hard at work :)
He popped off the exisiting baseboard and pulled up the carpet so we could set it squarely on the concrete slab - Aaron is not one for shortcuts :). Finally, we moved it into place veeerrrrryyyy carefully. 
 Ta-DAaa! The finished product. It looks like it should have always been there! The cabinets match those in the kitchen and it all just looks so great!

Of course the WHOLE weekend wasn't spent doing work.....Aaron had this whole project done in just a few hours!
We had some outdoor fun at a few different parks

Watched some Saturday morning cartoons....

And had some friends over to watch the big game on Sunday. Isn't she just the cutest!
This is where the cabinets were initially. Next project is to turn this area into a desk and add more storage back to the hallway.... stay tuned!

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