Friday, September 30, 2016

Friday Favorites - Quotes by Kids

These two are a regular comedy show! They are constantly saying and doing silly things that make me forget that she takes her diaper off EVERY chance she gets, or that he doesn't always flush ( this a boy thing?). This is parenting and I LOVE that my little mini us's enjoy life and love each other.

Here are a few of the recent hilarious things these kiddos have come up with:

1. Chloe holds up an American Flag she found in a store and says, " Look Mama, I found a Trump!"
Yikes, parenting fail...

2. In regards to her birthday:

Me: Chloe what do you want for your birthday?
Chloe: (looong, thoughtful pause) Chicken Nuggets!!

3. During nighttime prayers (backstory, our new house is just down the street from Luke's best friend, Landon):

Luke: Thank you God so much for living by Landon, Thank you God for living by Landon, Thank you God so much for living by Landon-
Me: OK, He get's it!

4. While getting some medicine on his feet before bed Luke says to Chloe, " Chloe you have really beautiful feet, really beautiful!" 

5. While driving in the car:
Luke: I have a really big mouth.

6. Me: Luke, what do you want to make? (regarding what to eat for lunch)
Luke: A sandwich
Me: Chloe, what do you want to make?
Chloe: A sandwich
Me: Chloe, you are a copycat.
Chloe: Meeeooooow

Lately it seems like Luke has grown up so much and he is having such real feelings and desires to be a good brother to Chloe. On a walk the other day, Chloe pointed to a house and asked, " what is that?" Luke responded by saying it was a house. Then she said, " What is a house?". His response: "A house is where people eat, a house is where people sleep, a house is where people watch tv." What a good little teacher....

They aren't always the sweetest to each other- HELLO Terrible 2s for Chloe- but they sure do crack us up.  I gotta make sure to write these things down so we remember them. We remember the situations, the way the spoke, how they used the wrong word because they were still learning. I am around adults all day, so it's nice to get silly with my kids any chance I can get. Stay tuned for more sweet gems in a future post :)

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