Monday, September 12, 2016

Weekend Recap

This past weekend was nice and relaxing. It started off Thursday night with an Ice Cream Social in our neighborhood. I have loved everything about our new neighborhood and the hospitality and sense of community it offers. The kids and I walked down the street to meet some new neighbors and indulge in a little ice cream. Of course, we migrated to other family with kids there and met up with our best friends, Jeff, Cassie and their kids too!  Most of my pictures from the night are blurry because my kids don't stop moving especially when they are allowed to play chase...

The spread, It was so amazing. Ice cream, already scooped and in bowls, brownies, different syrups, bananas, and a plethera of different candy toppings!

Friday was mostly spend just relaxing and playing at home. During Chloe's nap, I checked on her since she is now in a big girl bed (more on that later) and found her asleep like this....?! So random. Most nights, after putting her to bed, she gets right back out and plays for a minute or two and we find her asleep in the floor. Aaron usually picks her up, puts her in her bed, and she sleeps there all night - no problems. But to fall asleep bent over a rocking chair is something else. Silly Girl.

Saturday we washed the car....well, mostly Aaron washed the car, the kids checked our a snail and I 'supervised." :)

Aren't these pigtails the CUTEST!

Never too young to learn :)

I love these towels. They made for super quick drying of the car! (see here for more about these towels)

Later in the day, the kids went to my Mother-in-Law's house, the kids call her Nana, while Aaron and I ran a few errands and just... well,.. got a break. Even though we were mostly getting errands done, it was nice to have it just be us and eat without telling anyone to Sit Down, Clean Their Face or Finish Their Lunch, lol. The kids love going to Nana's and luckily she still had her pools out because it was HOT. 
These kids would live in the water if they could.

We got home around 4:30 saturday and we sat down to watch a little tv. A few minutes later, Luke came over and asked if we could put Chloe to bed. She fell asleep on the couch, parenting fail. We let her sleep for about 20 minutes and woke her up, poor baby. 

Sunday, well Sunday was a day of mixed emotions. I spent the morning reflecting on what happened 15 years ago. I think about how much if affected me, and I don't know a single person that was involved in the tragic events. I can't imagine how it affected those who lost loved ones and strong those people are to keep going and living on. I think about how, one day, I will have to tell my children about that day and what that discussion will entail. We Will Never Forget.

Sunday afternoon was spent watching football- one of my FAVORITE things to do! I love football season. While my team, the 49ers are on Monday Night Football, there were some very exciting games to watch. We do not have cable, but have the capability to record television, so we record all of that games that way you can fast forward at any time. I find myself cheering for teams that have players from my college, even if its an NFC team ( Luckily the non 49er player I root for the most is on an AFC team)

What did you do this weekend?

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