Tuesday, September 20, 2016

There is a monster in my garage

Ok, ok, ok, there are no such things as monsters.
However, as I walked into the garage the other day from getting the mail, I found this:

Let's zoom in a little here:

Are you kidding me!

I admit that I am pretty much scared of most bugs and all spiders, except for one time when a small spider started crawling on the playmat while little baby Luke was laying there- I Smashed that sucker with my bare hand. Do not get between this mama-bear and her cubs! :) But there are plenty of times, let's be real basically 99.9% of the time, where I yell for Aaron to come and get rid of a bug or a spider. Ugh, they are just so creepy sometimes!
Then I see this.....some monster of a spider took this roach, tortured it, drug it all around the garage, starved it, deprived it of water, broke all but 2 of its legs, then mummified it and spun a web so it could hang from the ceiling as if to say, "Look at me, King Monster-Spider of the Garage. I run this joint." 
Ok, that might have been a little exaggerated, but maybe it's 100% true, we don't live in Monster-Spider world. We don't know what it means when a bug hangs another bug in the air like this. And this poor guy has been here for at least a week- mostly because I am scared the Monster-Spider is watching and will take his revenge on me if I remove the bug. 
How large of a spider would it take to create this gross and disgusting masterpiece? Do you see the thinkness of the spun web holding this bug in mid-air?
For now, we live at the mercy of the Monster-Spider. All Hail the Monster-Spider. (hopefully, I will live to see another day as I walk through the garage terrified by what I might find now, or what might find me....)

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