Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Stranger Things - Review

Have you watched it yet? Stranger Things on Netflix? I bet you have at least heard about it. This show was recommended to me by my sister and again by my boss. My sister- who is not a suspenseful or sci-fi enthusiast- described it as "kinda scary but in a creepy way, I hated it but I couldn't stop watching." Knowing her as I do, and typically loving suspenseful entertainment, I was game.

I had high hopes for the first episode, however was thoroughly disappointed.  Had my sister not recommend it, I probably would have stopped watching right then. But I persevered and I am sure glad I did. 

Let's start with the acting. I was BLOWN AWAY by Winona Ryder. Granted, I probably haven't seen her in a movie since Edward Scissorhands or The Crucible, but she was amazing! She made the show for me! I admit that I first thought it was a crazy idea to have her, but she sold it beyond measure. Her character was By Far the hardest to portray and she was amazing. And the kids, what a talented bunch. I don't think I have seen kid actors quite as the ones in this show. Very Impressive.

This is a very story driven show. A lot is going on and there are scary moments, but I think that in the end it was all about how these characters really reacted to what was happening. I still have questions though. I wasn't thrilled with the ending of Season 1 and was very happy to hear that there will be a Season 2. If you haven't watched it yet, check it out. With only 8 episodes, it is very easy to binge watch!

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