Thursday, September 15, 2016

Throwback Thursday - SeaWorld and San Diego Zoo part 1

Aaron and I loved to travel before kids. We still do, it's just a bit more work with the little ones. It has become easier and I anticipate in the next year or so we can get back to our old habits of weekend trips and excursions.
A few years ago, before kiddos, we bought tickets to SeaWorld San Diego and the San Diego Zoo at Costco- isn't Costco just the greatest!? San Diego is so beautiful and such a fun town to visit. I LOVE anything that has to do with animals so I was super stoked to get to go to both places. We went to SeaWorld first.
I am facinated by all sea life- there was a time that I wanted to be a Marine Biologist- and I love when they get to show off their personalities.

Dolphins are so cute! We arrived just in time for a show training session.

I printed up a copy of the schedule of shows so we could plan out our day accordingly. It started with the Shamu Show.

Killer Whales are so magestic.

Big animals + big jumps = SPLASH ZONE!

Aren't turtles the cutest?

We stopped to watch this guy, he was singing a song for about 10 minutes straight!

SeaWorld has several different shows you can check out- this one is Sea Lions LIVE.

Of course there are aquariums and fish tanks all throughout the park. They even have touch pools with several different animals to see and feel.

Next, we headed over to Dolphin Days

Penguins are such cute animals. At SeaWorld, you can visit the Penguin Encounter to see more.
We checked out the Beluga Whale exhibit.

And got to see Polar Bears (one of my faves!!) up close too!

That is one big walrus!

We went to the Pets LIVE show next.
They also had a Cirque de la Mer show which was full of fantastic acrobatics!
Someone forgot to wear sunscreen....

These guys were amazing!

More from the different aquariums....

If you weren't aware, the Budweiser Clydesdales can be seen at SeaWorld. These horses are absolutely stunning!
SeaWorld also has several rides to go on, too! We took this picture right after Journey to Atlantis... You Will get WET!

SeaWorld is such a fun place to visit for kids young and old. The rides are great and the shows are amazing. The Shamu show will be ending at the end of this season, so make sure you go check it out before the end of the year. I hope we get a chance to take the kids to see it, I know they would just be mesmerized by the magnitude of the Orcas.

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