Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Chloe's 2nd Birthday Party

Since Chloe's birthday fell on a Monday this year, we celebtrated it on Saturday and had a few friends and family members over as well.
The day started with this lovly knot she created. I am ready for her to stop twirling her hair, I have had to cut several knots out already. Tell me it gets better....

It's a family tradition that you get to pick out a donut on your birthday so that was the first place we went. We visited a new donut shop, Liv's Donuts, and they have such fun creations. Luke ALWAYS goes for a cake donut with pink frosting and rainbow sprinkles, so that was a given, but I wasn't sure what she would choose. With some help from big brother, Chloe chose her very first birthday donut to be a round donut with Lucky Charms- so random since we have Never had Lucky Charms in our house.
Our score of fun donuts. My go-to is an old fashioned, I chose chocolate this time. But we had quite the variety, Lucky Charms, Oreo, KitKat, Chocolate Filled, Maple with Chocolate Chips- DELISH!

Quite honestly, she wasn't a huge fan. I think the dry cereal threw her off. She ate a few pieces of Lucky Charms and that was about it.
Then I put her to work to make her birthday cupcakes... Just Kidding! She played with the spoon for a minute while the oven was preheating.

Luke got in on the action too, tell me I am not the only mom of a boy who NEVER wants to have pants or shorts on...just undies. Boys...
A few 'party' details. I say 'party' because it was just a very casual get together of her grandparents, an uncle and our best friends. We missed the family that couldn't make it, but everyone else lives out of town.

Here are the favor bags. I stuck with just using the colors pink, green and blue- just like her room. The favors each had a fruit snack, toy airplane, my little pony ( toy cars for the boys), stickers, and alphabet cards.
This garland should look familar. This fabric was tried to the bottom of her crib like a bed skirt, but I am planning to hang it like this once we get her big girl room all put together. The blue lantern, green owl, and pink 'C' are all decorations from her room.

Time kinda got away from me while I made cupcakes so this was the extent of the crepe paper...that was the cleanest the play room looked all day :/

Here is a view from the living room. I got this pack of paper pompoms from Party City and plan to add them to her room as well.
The Good Stuff! The 'party' was at 3pm, so we just had a few light refreshments out.

These kids love watermelon, so that was a given. Plus, it is pink and green already, I just needed a blue tray. This pink lantern is from her room as well.

There is always room for candy at a birthday party. We got this little 3-bowl  holder for our wedding and it has held up well. The top is sour watermelons, then pink and blue Hersey Kisses and the bottom had pink, blue and green Sixlets.

The finished product of the cupcakes. They turned out very bright and festive. You can see here about how I made my own Cupcake Holder.
More decor items from Chloe's room. This green owl was originally concrete colored so we spray painted it green and the pink owl was orange and we spray painted it pink. Spray paint is magic, isnt it?

These kids always go straight for the play room :)
The kiddos having an afternoon snack while the grandparents chill on the couch

Chloe and her presents. Everyone was so generous and she loved every single gift! She walks around with this My Little Pony and says, " I wuv it, I wuv it!"

She got her very first Elsa doll. Her eyes got so big when she opened the bag and recognized the Frozen theme.

She did a great job opening her presents. She was pretty young at Christmas, so I did most of those, but she did pretty much every present herself. And yes, the grandparents were Ooohing and Aahhing to the informercial playing in the background!

Her special birthday cupcake
"Mom, aren't you done taking pictures...." You will notice Luke in background trying to blow out her candle.

Chloe 1, cupcake 0

She also got these fun tunnels that all can connet together. Uncle Scott put them together so the kids could play outside.

Four of my favorite guys!

Three kiddos on trikes. I'm pretty sure that Luke snuck inside to play with the toys Chloe got for her birthday, ha!

And we had some fun with farm animal masks.
A valient effort was made to get all 4 of them to sit, wear their mask and look in one direction...this is what we ended up with...


The adults accomplished the mission just fine!

It's favor time!

Finishing the night off with a little Frozen and fruit snacks, but not for little Sadie :)

We had a great day and I know Chloe loved the special time she got to spend with everyone at our house. Happy Birthday sweet girl. You are loved beyond measure.

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