Monday, August 29, 2016

Chloe is 2

This sweet girl entered the world 2 years ago today, at 10:05 p.m. to be exact, which was 8 days past her due date (More on that later). We didn't find out what we were having with either child, but for some reason I thought this one was a girl. We had a great time celebrating her over the weekend and will post more about that soon.

Chloe has brought so much joy into our lives in the last 2 years. She is super sweet and I love that she will just walk right up to us and give us a kiss for no reason. Her voice is the cutest, unless she is screaming because Luke took away her toy or even looked at the toy she was holding, and she can say so many words. Last night, unprovoked, before I left her room at night she told me to ' Sleep Good Mommy." She mimicks everything her brother says. The other night she sang "You are my sunshine" to me, a song I have been singing to her since birth but in her own personalized Chloe way. She is the most accident-prone little one, poor thing bleeds on a weekly basis. BUT, it has sure made her tough. 

Here are a few pictures over the years:

In the Nursery the day before the induction. Ugh, being 9 months pregnant in August in the Central Valley is a triple doozey. Because we didn't know the sex, we did a gender neutral room. A month or so after she was born, we turned everything orange in her room to pink. I made the yarn wrapped letters (it would have been Connor, if she had been a boy) and Aaron made the white night stand and the blue book shelves.

This was the morning after she was born. I had a VERY different birthing experience with Luke and he wasn't allowed in our room, so this was all new to us. She was a great sleeper as a baby and her favorite spot was right under my chin, it still is to this day.

Sleepy girl, still in the hospital. I soaked up as much time as I could with the nurses around and getting as much assistance I could with breastfeeding. From the induction to going home was almost 5 days.

A few newborn shots

Her cute little perfect face.
Her first Halloween. I loved dressing her up in fun clothes as a baby, now she is very particular about what she wants to wear. lol.

This is from my old phone, so not the best quality. But the onesie says it all...
" My brother wanted a puppy...but he got me insteasd"  So true.
She was such a smiley bug as a baby.  I always put her in bows too. One time, while she had on pink pants and a white onesie with pink hearts, someone asked if she was a boy or a girl... .She wore a bow every day after that :)

This was right before her first birthday. The rocking chair she is in was my grandmothers. Love sentimental items like that.
This was one of her 1-Year Pics at a park near our old house. She wasn't walking yet so it was much easier to photograph her :)
This was at her First Birthday party. She loved the tutu I made her and still asks to wear it. She spent the majority of her time pushing these white little IKEA chairs around before she actually took her first steps. Silly girl.

Still cute and smiley with food on her face.

Chloe loves to do crafts. We painted these step stones shortly before we moved.

This was Easter at my mom's house. She had a great time running around the yard with her brother and almost twin cousin. Chloe is 7 months younger than my sister's daughter and Luke is 7 months older than one of His sister's daugters too! It will be so fun to watch them grow up so close in age.

Playing on the playset at Nana's house. She has been a climber since she could crawl.

We took a few pictures at our favorite park by our old house before we moved. This was in May 2016.
This last one was from our trip to Tahoe last month.
Cannot to wait to see what this year brings with this sweet girl. My Princess.  Hopefully we can take 2-Year photos this coming weekend.

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