Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Batman v. Superman - Movie Review

Wow. I don't even know where to begin with this one. Let's start with some history....I have never read a comic book. There I said it. However, I have seen all of the Batman movies going back to Michael Keaton as Batman. I also love watching Gotham, which is currently about to start its third season. As far as Superman goes, I am far less versed. I never saw a movie with Christopher Reeves as Superman, but I was an avid viewer of Smallville and the more recent Superman movies with Henry Cavill and Brandon Routh.  I realize this doesn't qualify me as any kind of expert, but I do come into this movie with some background knowledge.

I wanted Batman v. Superman to be great. But we don't always get what we want, do we. This movie started out soooooo slow, which is exactly how I have felt about the more recent Superman movies, too. And it was very confusing as to what was going on. All you see is the city being destroyed by Superman and his fight with Zod, while the city gets destoyed and people die. Most of the citizens carry deep hatred towards Superman. I didn't like this idea that this person who does nothing but attempt to do good and save others, was disliked so much. However, it does resemble the idea of how quickly public opinion can change based on a spin of a story, or how others want us to view the story.

In my opinion, Ben Affleck looked too old in the movie. They made a mention that he had been fighting crime for 20 years - which makes no sense that it took this long for Batman and Superman to meet up...really? Oh! And the idea that you can basically try to fight someone to the death,  spend time to develop weapons that you know will make him a mere mortal to kill him and he mentions his mother's name, which happens to the be same as your mom's name, and all of the sudden you want to help and insist you will save his mother's life? Boy, that one threw me. That seemed a little too much like a a show from TGIF where there is some kind of conflict (DJ Tanner doesn't fit in on her first day of Jr. High), and then all is resolved before the 30-minute show is over.

I did enjoy watching Jesse Eisenberg and Gal Gadot portray their respective characters - Lex Luthor and Wonder Woman. And Henry Cavill and Amy Adams were great too. Jeremy Irons as Alfred didn't sit well with me, though.

I know I am not the only one who wasn't jazzed with this movie or Afflect as Batman. I read somewhere that 'they' want Afflect to portray Batman in about 5 more movies- through several Justice League movies and 3 more Batman movies. Do we really want a Batman that can join AARP? Five movies seems excessive to me, but maybe forcing it down our throats will change our minds. It's all about the spin, right?

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