Tuesday, August 30, 2016

DIY Cupcake Holder

So occasionally I get the guts to attempt to make something for my house, by way  of crafts.  I am NOT a craft person (see here) and am certainly envious of others who can do amazing things with just a piece of twine. I have a friend who is basically the MacGyver of crafting and there are certainly times where I wish I could do what she does. But, I am me. I get crafty moments and Sometimes, just sometimes it actually turns out how I wanted. 74% of the time, things turn out like those pinterest fails.

I have wanted to try this for a while now, I mean it's 3 steps. I HAVE to be able to do something with only 3 steps. So I set out to my local Dollar Store and grabbed 2 different sized plate and a candle holder. I started getting a little brave in the store with different vases and such to use between the plates, but in the end I settled for something basic. Something that could be used over and over. So, $3 later, I had my supplies to make a cupcake stand. This little baggie of glue sticks has been around for at least 5 years- shows you how many times I break out the hot glue gun, eh?

The instructions for this are very simple. Basically, hot glue the candle holder between the 2 different plates- that's it!

I laid the smaller plate upside down and glued the top of the candle holder to the middle of the plate.

Then I set the bottom plate right side up and glued the bottom of the candle holder to it, this approached allowed me to use the candle holder for leverage.

This turned out great- here it is in all its glory holding the cupcakes for Chloe's birthday party- more on that later :) The plates themselves, held almost 20 cupcakes.

So I say again, if I can do it, ANYONE can do it! This is super simple to do and I can see all kinds of fun varieties that can be created.  Happy Crafting!

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