Monday, August 15, 2016

Bad Moms - Movie Review

I had some girl time this past weekend with my bff (whaaat, first time in probably four years!) And we took advantage and went to see Bad Moms. I wasn't too sure what to expect because most comedies these days are just plain dirty. And you never know if they show all of the funny parts in the previews and the rest of the movie is just plain boring.
Bad Moms did not disappoint. You are introduced to 3 very different moms; a stay at home mom of 4, a single mom and Amy (the main character) who has too much on her plate. The combination of these 3 ladies is amazing. There were parts that we as moms could relate to very easily, lines spoken that maybe we wish we could say, and actions taken that maybe just maybe we dream about. This movie had me laughing more than anything I have seen in a VERY long time. Granted, sometimes I was blushing And laughing, but laughing nonetheless.
The was full frontal female nudity in the beginning of the movie that just didn't need to be there and a little more cussing than I am used to, but this movie is funny. And not funny in the way of "I hate my life as a mom and this movie shows that I can have a break from that and my life would be great" funny. But funny in how the women talked and the jokes about female anatomy, it brought me back to days as a high school cheerleader and the jokes and relationships you have then.
It all went back to family. It's her kids that keep Amy going and standing up for what is right. It's great to see the message that we moms are all doing what we think is best. And we shouldn't judge each other we should be each other up because being a mom is HARD. I also love a movie with such an ensamble cast. This movie is a good time.

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