Monday, August 22, 2016

Cayucos 2016

Last Friday, we loaded up the kiddos and drove over to Cayucos, CA. I love that the beaches of Central California are only about 2.5 hours away. Saturday was my Mother-in-Law's birthday and some family friends were kind enough to share their beach house with us for the weekend to celebrate her birthday! Plus, it was great to get out of the heat for the weekend, hopefully we are done with 100 degree days for the year.

Once we got on the road, the Chloe knocked out. We try to travel during her nap or just a bit later if possible so she can keep her schedule. Sleeping babies are just the cutest!

Luke did a great job hanging out without his partner crime and being quiet until...

He knocked out too! Twins!

We made it to the beach! Thanks to the Chimney Fire, the views were a bit skewed on Friday, but they made for some neat pictures.

My Two favorite little people!!


These shoes hold my world...

Saturday morning, Nana wanted to get donuts for her birthday!

And for lunch, the kids were introduced to Pizza Bread, a Nelson family favorite!  It can be a little messy though, lol 

Always keeping it classy, Chloe

 More beach time!

Two sets of siblings...

They loved running away from the waves with Nana.

You can see the smoke from the Chimney Fire, off in the distance.


Afternoon movie time to wind down....
Little Chloe got bonked in the head with the tree swing. It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Poor girl inherited her mama's accident prone-ness. She bleeds on almost a weekly basis from the silliest of things. In the car ride over to Cayucos, she bonked herself in the face with her doll and there was blood. She is the toughest little girl, though.

We had Nana's birthday dinner at Duckie's Chowder House, it was soooo good! And it is right by the pier so you have a great view of the beach while you eat.

Chloe loves her Uncle Scott


Just like on the way to the beach, these two fell alseep on the way home! It cracks me up that they both lay the same way everytime!

We had a great time in Cayucos. I had never been there before and I found it to be a nice low-key place. The beaches were great and the weather was perfect. Love that we have been able to get in two Nelson Family trips in the last 2 months. Missed Aaron's sister and her sweet family this time, though. 
Traveling with two little kids is getting easier. We know their limits in the car, we know what snacks they love and what toys/books will keep them occupied. Luke is a rockstar sleeper, always has been, and did great in his maskeshift bed of pillows and sleeping bags. Chloe started climbing out of her crib last week- EEK!- so we were planning to transition her to a twin bed this past weekend. Since we were out of town, that got pushed back. Her -and me-  not sleeping great the first night, made for a good night sleep in night 2. As we move toward the next little obstacles before Chloe becomes a full-fledged independent kiddo (twin bed and potty training), we get one step closer to more road trips!

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