Monday, August 8, 2016

London Has Fallen - Movie Review

I love a good action movie, don’t you? I have wanted to watch this movie for some time now and finally got the chance to see this past weekend. London Has Fallen is the thrilling sequel to Olympus Has Fallen which came out in 2013. You know when a movie has Gerard Butler in it, it is going to have good action (hello, 300).

The story is set several years after its predecessor with the same main characters. This time, Mike Banning (Butler's character) and his wife are expecting a baby any day when disaster strikes. The British Prime Minister suddenly dies and the world and its leaders gather in London to attend the funeral. Within seconds of the President’s arrival, several planned attacks take place. The rest of the movie is spent trying to evade the attackers and ultimately rescue President Asher after he is kidnapped. I didn’t find anything spectacular about this film it was just a good all-around action movie. There were somethings that were predictable, others not. I did however feel that the audience was introduced to too many characters by way of text identifying their name and title, only to hardly ever see the character again. Also, the use of the F-word was a bit ridiculous in a few instances.

Other then that, the movie was a fun, intense and a bit over the top. But isn't that how an action movie is supposed to be? We know the hero will prevail, but its the journey, albeit masterfully, creative and unlikely, that we want to watch.

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