Friday, August 19, 2016

Friday Favorites- Quotes by Kids

Kids say the funniest things, don't they? Lately, my kiddos have been cracking us up with what comes out of their mouths. I just love seeing how their brains come up with how to say or describe something. It is just so cute. For a few months, Luke struggled to say the 'tr' of Truck and it would come out as an 'F'. I laughed every single time he said the word Truck using an 'F' instead. He says it correctly now, but I still giggle when I think about what he was saying. 

Here are some recent gems:

This morning---

Luke: I love you mommy
Me: Love you too, bug (waking up because he busted into my room to say that and wake me up)
Luke: Mommy, I love your eyes, and I love your teeth...they are so good and clean!! (As he opens my mouth and touches my braces...)

In the car---

Luke: Mommy, I want a little brother
Me: (GULP)  You want mommy to have another baby?
Luke: (long pause) Um, actually, there is no more babies, just baby Chloe
Me: (prayers of thankfulness) Sounds good to me kiddo

In the car---

While I got out to get something at the store, the kids stayed in the car with Aaron. Luke unbuckled his seat  belt. When I got back in the car Chloe yells: LUKE, GET BACK IN YOUR SEAT!!.  Guess she has heard that before....

At home---

While catching up on the Olympics the other night, Chloe runs into the living room, sans clothes or a diaper, puts her hands up like the Final Five and says,

This photo is obviously old, but since we are talking about silly things, I thought it fit :)

What funny things have your kids said lately?

Also, this is pretty much the story in my house except Chloe fits right in with the boys. It is 3 against 1...

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