Monday, January 30, 2017

Life Lately- January 2017

Well, it is FINALLY cooling off! January was so cold and wet that I was starting to forget what it felt like to be hot- ha just kidding, we basically melt during the summer where we live. But really, the weather over the weekend was so nice that we actually got to go outside and play! My kids would basically spend 25 hours a day outside if they could :). We had a movie night this weekend and watched Chicken Little, and then Sully for us grown ups after the kiddos went to bed. 

Sometimes these kids just love each other and they would basically give up every single toy they have for graham crackers!

Luke as been really into playing games lately so Aaron spent some time attempting to teach him Checkers. It seemed like he started getting it towards the end ;) The best part was saying 'King Me!'

ANNNDD, Luke started soccer on Saturday. He had his first practice and game Saturday morning. It was so cute to watch the kids play- most of the time they didn't have a clue as to what was going on. Luke and his best friend Landon are on the same team, so that makes it double fun!

They spent a good amount of the game doing this though... lol. 

And of course, who doesn't love a little McDonalds after a hard game of soccer :)

Saturday afternoon was spent hanging around the house, cleaning and playing outside. This girl Loves her Elmo hat and driving her car.

We got together again Saturday night with friends for a game night. These 4 kiddos are growing up so fast! In just a few short months, my BFF will have her 3rd baby ( yay! ) and between the 2 of us couples, we will have a newborn, a 1 year old, a 2 year old, a 3 year old and a 4 year old! WHAT!!

Sunday, we went exploring a new shopping center near our house. There has been a ton of turnover, so it was fun to see the new stores and restaurants.  

And of course, the family who Jamba's Together, Stays Together :)

This week is going to be SUPER busy for me at work so I am sure it will fly by. And then next weekend will be so fun because my sister and her family are coming into town and we are celebrating my niece's 3rd birthday! Plus- it's Superbowl weekend! Let's go Falcons!!!

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