Monday, February 6, 2017

A Blur of a Weekend

Phew, is it Monday already? We had such a great weekend. It was so jam-packed that it all seems like such a blur, but it was so much fun!

Friday is a preschool day for Luke- which he is LOVING by the way- and usually Aaron, Chloe and I get some errands done while he is at school. We hosted Superbowl so we had lots of things to get done before the big game. Friday was alll about errands lol.

Saturday, Luke had his soccer game in the morning. His fan club sure didn't disappoint with my dad and step-mom, mom and step-dad and my sister, my brother-in-law and my niece all coming out to support our Luke and his best friend Landon too! Luke sure stepped up his game. I mean, his team is made up of 3- and 4-year-olds, so no one expecting Ronaldo or Beckam out there, but it's still so darn cute. Last Saturday was only his second game and he rocked it! The kid scored 3 goals- granted they don't keep score at this age, but this momma was just so dang proud. In fact, all of the kids seemed to play with more skill. It was impressive. He seemed to be actually understanding how to play and having fun while doing it, which is the most important thing. I love that sports give kids the opportunity to try new things, challenge themselves and gain confidence. It was really fun to watch.

Later on Saturday, we went to Disney on Ice with my mom, my sister and her family. The kids loved it and all sat next to each other. So Cute!! More on that later :) 

After Disney on Ice, we went to my mom's house to open a few presents for my niece's 3rd birthday! It is really fun watching the three kids grow up together and love each other like they do. 

Of course, Sunday was the Superbowl! We had a few friends over and it was a great time. Pretty soon, the kids will outnumber the adults! So fun to have these memories together. I grew up spending Superbowl and sometimes New Years with my dad's golf group, And I loved it. Even us kids are still friends to this day, even though we are scattered across the country. While I hope my friends/family don't ever move, and the kids are a little young to get what the Superbowl is, I know that as they grow up, this will always be a fun event for all of us to enjoy.

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