Monday, January 9, 2017

What a Weekend!

Rain, Rain Rain. We have been getting slammed with rain lately and it doesn't seem to be letting up until the end of the week! Man, rainy days are so hard to keep our outdoor-loving kids occupied. They just LOVE to be outdoors, exploring and playing. 

On Friday, we went to one of our favorite places: Gilroy Gardens. If you have little kids, probably 6 and under, this is the theme park for you! Gilroy Gardens is the perfect getaway/day trip for us and the kids love it there. The rides are geared towards a younger crowd and it's just such a nice park. There are huge trees shading you everywhere you go, education exhibits, family friendly rides and more. We went 5 or 6 times with our 2016 season passes. One of the best things about it is that it is much more low-key than Disneyland. Don't get me wrong, Disneyland is AMAZING. And I know our kids will love it when they get to go in the next few years. But Gilroy Gardens is much more our speed, with a 2 and 4 year old. There are no long lines, healthy food options and a playground too!

Both of the kids' favorite ride, the Train

On the carousel.

Driving the Fire Truck

They also love driving these little cars.

The Hot Air Balloons, or hot balloons as the kids call it.

This year, there were Lumination decorations and performances at night at Gilroy Gardens. I took a few photos of the decor. This dragon is over 80 feet long, and it's made out of plates and other dishes.

Part of the original Bonafonte Waterfalls

 On the Panoramic Wheel- my least favorite ride. This was actually the first time I rode it. 

They pretended they were pulling us in the sleigh we were sitting in....

More decor

One more time on the big carousel.

Spiderman rides fish too!

We love our visits to Gilroy Gardens and look forward to when it opens again this spring so we can play in their waterparks too! For more about our trips to Gilroy Gardens, click here.

On Saturday my dad and step-mom came over for a visit. The kids loved playing all their new games from Christmas and showing them their new toys. My parents are good sports :)

Sunday, we just relaxed at home and watched the playoff games. I went 0-4 on teams I was rooting for this time. Oh well, hopefully next weekend I will choose the right teams :)

We spent some time outside on Sunday because it actually felt warm! We played catch, kicked the soccer ball and worked on hitting off of a T-ball.... and then, I found her like this!

This sweet girl loves to wear dresses, do her hair... And get dirty. 

How was your weekend, did it rain in your neck of the woods?

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