Friday, July 29, 2016

Friday Favorites

Thank goodness it's Friday! This week was the hottest by far this year for us. I believe they predict today to be 110 degrees. Man, I gotta get to a pool, pronto!

Hope you all have a great weekend, stay cool!

Here are a few things I am loving right now:

1. This weekend kicks off birthday season for our family. From my dad's birthday this Sunday, until the end of the year we celebrate 13 birthdays! That means August, September and October each have 3 birthdays (including mine!), and November and December both have 2 each! It makes for a fun and crazy few months leading up to the Holidays :) Not to mention, in exactly 1 month, Chloe will be 2! Here she is at her first birthday, homemade tutu and all.

And just because I couldn't help myself, here is a picture of Luke's 3rd birthday. He had a "Cars' themed party.

2. IKEA. Who doesn't love Ikea? The closest one to us is about 3.5 hours away so we do not get to go very often. Over this past weekend, Chloe was playing with this Easel at my Sister-in-Laws house and she loved it. They had tons of chalk pieces and she just kept picking up one after the other and drawing on the chalkboard side. I also love that there is a white board on the other side to do more drawing. I think this might make a great Christmas present for the kiddos- Can never do your Christmas shopping too early :).

3. Tomorrow, July 30th, is National Cheesecake Day! It's a day to eat your dessert first! Whether you like it with strawberries, chocolate, mini-style or with cherries, ENJOY. Have you ever had a cheesecake cupcake? You must. Nom, Nom, Nom. Make sure you get yourself a little piece of heaven tomorrow.
Here are a few recipes:


4. Ebates, have you used it yet? It is such an easy way to save some dough. You just go to Ebates, create an account for free, and start shopping! Ebates provides discounts and cash back at many stores, probably ones you use regularly. What if adding one more click to your purchase could save you lots of $$$? You can also download the button to your browser and anytime you go to a website that partners with Ebates and has a discount, the button will tell you so you can get your cash back. The best part---you get cash back for stores at which you are already shopping, who doesn't love that?! They mail out "Big Fat Checks" every quarter, or you can sign up with a PayPal account. I have used Ebates for about 10 months and have already gotten almost $150 back! Check it out, maybe your favorite store is listed. You can also use it for restaurants, office supplies, travel, etc.

5. The Olympics are starting next week! Who doesn't love watching the Olympics. I always find myself watching a sport that I never would regularly, cheering my heart out for someone I hadn't heard of until that very day. It's the BEST! We usually try to watch the Opening Ceremonies with a few friends and this time, it will be hosted at our new house! Can't wait to get together with some of our favorite people, their kiddos and watch the festivities. I am sure we are in for a very colorful and lively Opening Ceremonies. What is your favorite sport to watch?

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