Thursday, July 21, 2016

Throwback Thursday - Monterey, CA

Since I am new to this whole blogging thing, I thought it would be fun to incorporate Throw Back Thursdays occasionally to share more insight into my life.

Back to a time when we only had Luke, and Chloe was still cooking ;). Two years ago this month, we took Luke on his last little day trip as an only child. Chloe was due August 20 - she came fashionably late....more on that later. We had no idea how our lives were going to change in just a few short weeks, especially Luke's, so we took a little day trip to the beach to get some last minute memories before this mama really got into nesting. (Luke came several weeks early, so we had no idea when baby #2 would make it's appearance).

I love living in the Central Valley. While it does get very hot, there are so many places that are just a few hours away and make great day trips. We decided to go to Monterey State Beach and of course we had to hit up Casa de Fruta on the way.  Casa de Fruta has all different kinds of yummy sweets, fruits, nuts, wine and more! There are also fun things for the kids to see while you visit, Casa de Fruta - Attractions. They have a carousel, a train, a playground and all sorts of exhibits to explore. There are also several picture opportunities to get some fun photos. Looking at these photos brings back so many memories, and Luke looks so little. He was just barely two years old!

The expression on his face looks as though he is concentrating on driving the Fire Truck!

I think this trip is what started his devotion for trains.

He loves to swing!

After Casa de Fruta, we headed on to Monterey. This family loves all things Monterey: Aaron and I got engaged during a trip there and we spent our first wedding anniversary there too! We actually came back to this same beach about 9 months later.....little baby Chloe joined us too!

Isn't there just something about a dad and his son... :)

First time playing Frisbee... well, more like fetch

Gotta learn how to build a sand castle, too!

I LOVE this picture, coolest kid on the block

This kid is ALWAYS smiling, love it!

I am sure there will be more posts about Monterey... I am actually itching for a trip there soon!

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