Wednesday, July 13, 2016


We recently moved out of our first home into what we consider our 'forever' home, or our 'at least until the kids are out of the house' home. Which, with a 4- and 1-year-old, might as well be forever. Moving was WAY harder than I had planned. Not only the moving, but the Leaving of our first home. That was hard for me. It was house we secured on the 4 year anniversary of our first date. The house we learned we were expecting in on the anniversary of moving in. The house to which we brought both our babies home. The last our dog of 7 years ever lived. 

But our new house will have so many firsts. The first time ever living in a one-story for Luke, Chloe and myself. The first slumber party. The first bike riding lesson. The first time we have two kids in actual beds. The first game night as a family of four. The first time getting ready for school. The first time we see little itty bitty finger prints on our new stainless steel fridge (and all of the other stainless steel appliances :)). And most importantly, the first time we actually feel like we are HOME.

Along with moving, comes buying new things! Our old coffee table just didn't fit our new house, so off to Goodwill it went. Hello new table from  Wayfair This new coffee table fits our living room to a T.
Coffee Table

This table can be found on

 I can't wait to add a few yellow baskets to the bottom for some pop of color. Maybe a few of these Yellow Baskets from The Land of Nod or these Yellow Bins from 
The reviews expressed are my own and I was not compensated to share my opinions.

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