Tuesday, July 19, 2016

I Have Baby Teeth...

Yup, this thirty-something, mom of two still has 2 baby teeth. I never had adult teeth come in below them, so the baby teeth never fell out. It was never anything that I worried about, until  recently. Turns out they need to be pulled- YIKES. I have never had teeth pulled before, and the whole idea just sounds scary. It also turns out that I need my 2 wisdom teeth pulled, too. 4. Teeth. Pulled. How will I feel with 4 less teeth? With I talk differently? Will I eat differently? So many questions... But in order to start this whole process, I had to get braces.

So about a month ago, I started my braces treatment. I only have the top set as of now and thankfully I was able to go with the clear brackets. Of course my ideal would have been Invisalign, but my Orthodontist (who is the BEST!!) decided I wasn't a candidate. So the choice was made, Adult Braces. I was initially told about 18 months for the whole process, but I know things can change. This isn't my first rodeo with braces... or second....eesh. KIDS- You must wear your retainer forever, or you will end up like me. Hopefully third time is a charm and I actually do my part after the braces do theirs.

I am using the new Damon Brackets that are smaller then when I had braces in high school. I got the top set first because they have to move the top to be able to get the bottom going. I am getting used to how the braces feel, but I am sure that process will start all over again when I get the bottom set. 18-ish months sounds like a long time, but I know it's really not. My braces should be off before my son is 6 and just after my daughter turns 3. That doesn't seem so far off....right?

Until then, I will proudly wear my metal mouth. It is a humbling experience and I am thankful to have a healthy mouth when it's all over.

Here is a picture of when Chloe's first little teeth appeared. I wonder if she will ever need braces :)

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