Thursday, November 3, 2016

Chloe's Unicorn Costume - A How-To

For Halloween this year, Chloe was a unicorn. I thought about a costume for her for days and days. I just didn't know what she could dress up as. I love being able to add a personal touch to things, so it had to be something I could either make or customize. My DYI skills lean more towards the rookie side, so it also had to be EASY. She has a few My Little Pony's, so I thought a unicorn would be fun and something she would actually like to wear- although I was a little worried about her keeping the hood up all night.

Here is what you need:
A zipped hoodie sweatshirt
A few sheets of felt in different colors- I used 2 sheets for each color and 1 for the horn
A headband
Safety pins
Hot glue gun and glue
Styrofoam horn

The felt sheets came in a 9 x 12 inch size, so I cut it like this. I didn't measure anything, just eyeballed it:) I cut about 1 inch down the long side (this would become part of the tail) and then cut every inch or so across to make pieces of the mane.

To make the mane, take one strip of felt and pinch it in the middle.

Once you pinch the middle, fold one side up so it crosses over itself. This is where you will put the safety pin. Once I cut all of my strips, I took one of each color(so 3 total) and pinned it to the inside of the sweatshirt.

This is how it looked on the outside.
This is how it looked on the inside.
For the horn, I hot glued a sparkly sheet of white felt around the styrofoam. I also cut thin strips to spiral around it. Finally, I hot glued it to the top of a headband. (I glued felt on the underside of the headband to the botton of the horn as well to help keep it secure)

The finished product. I have to be honest, I seriously doubted my crafting/DIY skills but I LOVE LOVE LOVE how this turned out! And we got comments all night about how cute her unicorn costume was! I just might leave the mane and tail on for her to keep wearing with the sweatshirt! OH- I did end up taping the headband to the hood of the sweatshirt so it wouldn't move :)
Side view

From the back. So CUTE! Baby girl wore it all night!

For more crafty/DYI posts, see here, here, here, and here.

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