Thursday, November 10, 2016

Firefighter for a Day

Over the weekend I had the privilege to participate in the Firefighter for a Day program. This is an annual event where members of the public can participate in activities that mirror what firefighters face on a daily basis and have the chance learn more about the fire service and our local department. I was super excited to participate but also a little scared. Accident-prone is putting it nicely, so I made sure to be extra, extra, extra cautious.
After getting some details about the fire department, it was time to gear up. We had to wear full PPE (personal protective equipment) the entire time. This meant boots, drops (pants), jacket, hood (only while fire was present), helmet, gloves and SCBA (breathing apparatus that we used for 2 of the 3 stations). I am not sure how much all of the gear weighs, but MAN it was heavy.
There was a group of about 12 people participating, along with 4 firefighters per station and the Explorer team.  
We were broken up into groups and started our rotations. Our first rotation was a Live Fire Attack. We literally put out a fire during this rotation. We had to wear our SCBA and mask the entire time.  Our group was split in half so that one team could put out the fire while the other watched and vice versa. My group watched first.
It was a crazy experience to have a fire burning just a few feet away and not attempt to run away :). Our Battalion Chief leader taught us all about different ways to vent and described different things happening to the fire while the other group put it out. While we watched, my breathing apparatus became disconnected. I didn't panic but it did freak me out. The Battalion Chief heard it happen right away and came to rescue. Then, it was our turn to put out the fire. I was put on the nozzle for interior attack- which means that I operated the hose and water flow to put the fire out from inside the building. The hose was SO HEAVY when it was charged with water, it was hard to carry and maneuver. It was thrilling to be about 4-5 feet from a fire and put it out. I was basically walking on the clouds the rest of the weekend :)
After lunch and a tour of a fire station that was over 100 years old, it was time to move to our second rotation. Our group went to the Confined Space Event. Doesn't sound appealing, does it? We had to crawl through a maze in the pitch black basement. Plywood was laid on top of buckets and you had to army crawl, in your gear AND push the SCBA bottle, through the maze. I ALLLMOOOSST freaked out at one point because you can't tell where you are in the maze and how much more you have to go. It was EXHAUSTING!
Our third rotation was Car Extrication. We got to all participate in cutting the roof off of a car. The tools are so heavy. I could barely pick up the spreader, or Jaws of Life as we know it.



Here is our group surrounded by the firefighters who assisted with the car extrication.
What an amazing experience. I thought I had a good idea as to what firefighters go through in their jobs. Nope. Not one darn clue! They are literally Super Heroes. I enjoyed this day so much and am so thankful for the opportunity to participate!

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