Monday, November 21, 2016

The Weekend Before Thanksgiving

The weekend before Thanksgiving..... In our house that is the last weekend before the fun and craziness of the Holidays set in. We do our very best to not decorate or plan too much regarding Christmas, prior to celebrating Thanksgiving. One holiday at a time, people :).
The kids found a TON of leaves on a walk over the weekend. Now that Chloe is nearing two and a half, she is turning into a little kid and it has been so much fun to see her experience new and exciting things. The kids LOVED playing in these leaves. We only got them to leave because we were actually headed to a nearby playground, which didn't seem to matter much to them once they started crunching those leaves :)

Those Pigtails though...

We call this the Red Park. We had it all to ourselves and didn't mind one bit.

 On Saturday, we got a visit from my dad and stepmom. They hadn't been to our house in a while, so it was fun to show off a few of our recent projects.
These kids Can't get enough of reading books.

We found an event where someone's backyard had been completely redone and was all about trains. With my 2 Thomas the Train loving kiddos, we couldn't pass it up!

It was AMAZING. This couple made their backyard into a train-lovers paradise!

Luke was LOVING IT!

Luke and one of his favorites, James.

Bepa and Chloe.
It was the neatest thing. They passed our hot apple cider, cookies, and even had a scavenger hunt for the kids. Here is Luke with his prize for completing the scavenger hunt.

The pictures do not do it justice. If you are in the Central Valley around Easter, you must check this out!
And after a short work week, it's Thanksgiving time! We have a super busy, fun, and family-filled weekend ahead, including getting our Christmas tree up!

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