Monday, November 7, 2016

What a weekend!

This past weekend was a whirlwind! The most important thing I learned is that Toy Cars should NOT be put in the toilet. Of course, I already knew that but my sweet little boy didn't think he should tell anyone that his car fell in the toilet while it was flushing- that happens to all of us right?! lol- and well, it was just a mess. Thank goodness my husband is one in a million and fixed it himself. That could have been A TON of drama. Phew.
We had a movie night on Friday and of course we HAD to have popcorn!

These sweet kiddos. In their PJs, ready for the movie. Luke chose mismatched socks and put his jammy pants on inside out- silly boy.

Saturday, I participated in Firefighter for a Day with our local Fire Department. More on that tomorrow :)
Sunday was mostly about relaxing. We watched some football, got some groceries, saw our BBFs for a little bit and of course played with trains. We have a little Axl on our hands- tell me you watch The Middle?! This kid prefers to wear nothing more than undies at home- just like AXL.

Overall, it was a nice and relaxing weekend. One of the last low-key weekends of the year, so we soaked it in. What did you do over the weekend? I hope you got to enjoy that extra hour of sleep because our kids sure didn't get the memo:)

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