Wednesday, November 2, 2016

ClovisFest 2016

Over the weekend, we attended one of the fun events in our hometown. ClovisFest is an annual event that includes a street fair with vendors, food booths, music and rides and a hot air balloon lift off early each morning. Last year was our first year going and the kids loved watching the big balloons inflate and lift off. This year, my sister and her family and my mom joined in the fun!
Here are the big kids, all between 4 and 2 years old.

These two, they are going to get married some day :)


This year, there were about 9 balloons. It is so neat to watch them inflate and then wave goodbye and cheer as they float away.

You can see that the spectators are right in the action!

My favorite girl and me

Almost done!

The crew doing what they do best :)

Lift Off!

My Peeps.
After all the balloons had taken off, we went to the street fair.

Of course, we HAD to stop at the Greyhound Adoption booth.

I Love this picture!

And OF COURSE we checked out the Pink Fire Truck!

It was a very fun morning and the weather was great too! It had rained the day before, but nothing by sunshine on Saturday. We love attending this annual event and can't wait to watch the balloons again next year :)