Monday, November 14, 2016

Last Weekend and a Family Visit

This past weekend was so much fun! We got to see family and friends and enjoyed every minute of it. I also bought the first Christmas Present.....pretty early for us, but it was on sale so why not!
Friday started off like this-STICKERS. This girl loves them. They went from her face, to my face, to her face again. I bought a Finding Dory sticker pack a while back for under $2 and she just can't get enough.
We also had a another Movie Night on Friday. We watched Zootopia. I don't think the kids really got it- the sloths at the DMV were EPIC!- but they still enjoyed watching it. Of course we had to have popcorn too!
Saturday, we spent some time with Aaron's family. His sister and her family drove in from Tahoe and we celebrated our niece's 8th birthday and attempted to take some nice family photos. Here is Chloe all dressed up! Aaron took the pictures, so fingers crossed we got at least one good photo of all of us. With 6 adults and 5 kids- 4 of which are under the age of 5- it was a little tricky :)

Happy Birthday Naomi!

Then it was time to play!

Action shot!
Chloe has taken to being a 'big cousin' very well. She loves baby Caelum and was even pushing him in the swing.
Naomi got a Ukelele for her birthday and this is a sweet photo of her showing Chloe how to strum it.

This guy! Can't believe he will be 1 next month!
We also got to see some friends this weekend. Chloe had already gone to sleep, but the other 3 were still going stong. Fruit snacks and a graham cracker anyone?

Trains, Trains and More Trains...

We finished out the weekend with some football, of course. Our team ALLLMOST won- it was down to the last second. Oh well. Hope you had a great holiday weekend. THANK YOU to all those who serve and their families.

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