Thursday, October 27, 2016

Throw Back Thursday- Halloween 2015

As Halloween is just around the corner, I have spent sometime going back and looking at pictures from the previous years. Kids change so much as this age, I love photographing everything and see how they change the following year. Last year we had two VERY excited kids for Halloween, well Luke was excited and Chloe was excited because Luke was, lol.

I don't think Luke remembered much about carving a pumpkin from the year before, but he still didn't like the gooey seeds.

At some point his smiles will more, well, smiley right?

Got the top off, time to get our hands dirty!

Chloe's turn....

 Luke's turn...

I bought a carving kit a few days after Halloween 2014 for half off and saved it a whole year before using it.  Yup I'm that kind of mom :)

Finally, it was time to start the masterpiece.

This girl, so cute!

Took this one later in the night, Love that face!

Ta Da!!!

We love our pumpkin :)
He still smiles like this...

Props to the hubby for this spooooky pumpkin!

When Halloween Day came around, we visited with our good friends and went trick-or-treating with them. Luke was a Firefighter and Chloe was a Fairy. Luke's was a hand-me-down costume from a cousin, and he still uses it for dress up today. Chloe's was basically thrown together, the crown is mine- yup, MINE- the onesie was already hers, the wings are from the dollar store (along with the wand that she didn't want to carry around) and I made her tutu for her 1st Birthday! Easiest costume ever :)

The three trick-or-treaters! A fairy, a firefighter and a scarecrow.

He wasn't too fond of the hat....

Off we went to visit some houses....
This is life with two kids, she smiles in one...

And he smiles in the other...

The kiddos did a great job walking through the neighborhood, ringing doorbells, saying Trick-or-Treat and MOST IMPORTANTLY, saying thank you! I am so excited to see what it is like this year. We will have a soccer player and a unicorn (or if my talent gets the best of me a Firefighter, lol).

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