Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A Trip to the Fresno Chaffee Zoo

Over the weekend, we visited the Fresno Chaffee Zoo with my parents. We have passes to the Zoo and love going so it was great to have them join us! We have been several times this year so we let the kiddos lead the way and show my parents around. First, we stopped at the big tortoises and ostriches.  Our zoo does an annual Zoo Boo and it was also fun to see the decorations for Halloween. Although, I felt some were a little too scary for little ones at night.

 Me: Chloe what is that?
Chloe: um, A Chicken!

Then we stepped inside the Reptile House.  They really went all out with the decor in here. Almost every 'tank' had some kind of halloween decoration along with a ton hanging from the ceiling. The kids loved finding the animals in each tank.

This lizard just looked like it was ready to pounce!

Luke loved pointing out all of the skeletons.

My People.

This Komodo Dragon is CREEEEEPY!

This Tiger was off the hook. I think it was mad that people were watching it because twice it walked right over to the people, turned around, and sprayed! It was the craziest thing!

The African Adventure is one of the newest additions to the Zoo. It is AMAZING! Everytime I go, I feel like I am in Jurassic Park- which I realize isn't the most comforting of feelings. :) But it is just beautiful. It appears that the animals are all roaming free like they would in Africa (they have cleverly hidden boundaries between predator and prey).

 The walking area for African Adventure is U-shaped and on one side are the giraffes. You walk up a bridge to the Giraffe feeding station and they are just right there! The kids each got to feed the giraffes, but it happened too quickly for me to get a picture :(

Chloe LOVES to ride on shoulders.

There are several lions in the African Adventure.  I love that this lion is totally pulling a Mufasa! A lion cub was just born here at the zoo, too.

There is a jeep at the lion area that is right up to the glass, so the kids can play on the jeep and the lions can be laying on the warm hood of the jeep, just on the other side of the glass.

ELEPHANTS! There are 3 african elephants (and 2 asian elephants in a different exhibit) at the zoo. The elephants are at the other side of the U-shaped walkway.

Flamingos :)

Another fun exhibit at the Zoo is  Stingray Bay. This is a touch pool where guests can actually touch stingrays. The kids loved it!

This crazy guy was in the waiting pool and wanted to come into the main pool! WHAT!

Next to Stingray Bay are the big birds; vultures, condors, and more.

The Roo Walkabout is the newest addition to the Zoo. It allows you to walk through an exhibit of emu and kangaroos, at the moment.

This guy decided to take a nap in the walking path!

We love checking out the Tropical RainForest and seeing all the different kinds of birds. This Zoo actually has 2 different walk-through bird environments.

Blue and Gold Macaw

Baby armadillos were just born, a boy and girl. Here they are with their mama!

Hyacinth Macaws

The alligator is NOT in with the birds :)

A Giant Anteater

 Pirate Jail

Sea Lion Cove is one of the highlights of the Fresno Chaffee Zoo. They recreated the beaches of Monterey, CA and it's beautiful. You can view the sea lions from 3 different vantage points.

This is at the middle viewing area. You can look over almost the entire pool and watch the animals swim and play. I forgot to get one from the top, bummer. Again, My People.

The underground viewing area is a favorite. You can just sit and watch the animals swim underwater. It's amazing.

We are so lucky to have an amazing zoo like this in our backyard! And the zoo puts on so many fun activities throughout the year from Zoo Boo, to Zoo Lights, to Tot Time, there is something for everyone :)

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