Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Silicone Burger Press by Bear Grillware

I love the idea of preparing food ahead of time and freezing, don't you? It makes my life so much easy to spend a little extra time on the weekend to prepare healthy and fun meals for my family during the week. In our house, we LOVE to freeze things. We have a freezer in the garage that is basically just for meat, extra loaves of bread and chicken nuggets. Costco is our go-to for getting bulk -size meat and freezing it- Hello vacuumed sealed package of 6 tri-tips, and 5-pounds of grounds beef, welcome to my freezer.

The 8-in-1 Burger Press by Bear Grillware is a great way to buy or make fresh food and freeze it for later. It can be used to make burgers- think of all the ways you can customize burgers for all of your family and friends. You can stuff your burgers with cheese, jalapenos, or whatever you desire. You can make and/or freeze 8 quarter-pound burgers in one mold. I LOVE that this product can be used for other purposes. I used it for cookies. Whenever I make cookies, we end up with SO. MANY. COOKIES. AND, I eat way too many because they are just sitting there. With this product, I simply make the cookie dough and place it in the different slots. Freeze and then I can pop out one or 12 depending on what I want and just bake from there.

The slots are even big enough so that I can make a big pot of soup, pour it into the mold, place the top mold on the bottom to secure, freeze, and reheat later! The mold ends up laying flat in your freezer so you can stack until your heart is content!

This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own.

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