Monday, October 17, 2016

Hobby Lobby and Old Friends

This past Friday, I went to Hobby Lobby for the First Time! OH MAN, It is amazing! It was huge and Oh So Organized- which is crazy important in a craft store. There were also so many nice employees to assist us. We made it girls date with my mom, my grandma ( who is 91!! ), myself and my daughter, Chloe.  We grabbed breakfast and then made sure we were there just after they opened.

Hobby Lobby is amazing! We were there for over an hour and still didn't get to every aisle. I had a hard time deciding what to buy so we just ended up with a Finding Dory sticker pad for the kiddos. But my mom and grandma sure loaded up the cart!
Chloe is just like me where we like to touch EVERYTHING! She found these pretty flowers and I IMMEDIATELY envisioned her as a bride.. WHAAAT! Slow down momma, she is only 2!

Later in the day we had to get the car smogged, so this is how we entertained ourselves :)

And this girl, ugh. All she wants to so is take off her diaper and walk around naked! This is not a phase Luke went through so I am at a loss! Mostly, she has to wear onesies at home because atleast she can't figure out the snaps! Potty training is definetly in our near future, ugh. (and yes, this is how our playroom looks at any given moment, lol.)

We had a few friends over Saturday, which was great. In the morning, one of my oldes friends came by to see our new house. I always LOVE catching up with her. Then a few more friends came over later in the day. Uncle Scott is always up for entertaining the kids, lol.  HINT: he is in the tube.

These two.

These two, too.

And little Sadie, getting bigger everytime we see her!
Luke and I made some yummy treats while Chloe napped on Saturday, check back tomorrow for the details!
Also, anyone else have ALL of their teams lose yesterday? Depressing, here's to week 7!

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