Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Last Weekend

On Monday, my oldest will start Kindergarten. How can that be? I can only vaguely remember what life was like before he made me a mother. And now, now he heads off to start the first of many First Days of School. As a working mom, him going to school won't effect my schedule much. Heck, I will hardly notice a difference in my day to day life. But his is about to change forever! 

Yes, Luke we to preschool, but it was only 2 days a week for a few months. He loved it but it was hard to get attached to any of the kids, or parents for that matter, because it was so temporary. 

Kindergarten. My stepmom once said that as soon as kids start attending school and you can count the years in grades, it all goes by so quickly. I hope that isn't the case, even though I am sure she is right. 

It has been such a joy to have our boy at home with us so much and now we send him off to a new environment and pray he learned well from us. Pray that he has good influences. Pray that he himself is a good influence. Pray that he has fun and learns a ton. Pray for me as I am 99.9% positive I will cry as we walk away from his class after drop off. Tears of love, excitement for him, and a feeling of shock that we are already here. 

I can't believe that I have a kid attending school, like real school. I remember LOVING elementary school and I am looking forward to the great experiences he will have too. 

This is our last weekend before school starts. Our very first Last Weekend before school starts. I will treasure it so because come Monday morning, my little preemie-baby that grew into such a sweet, helpful boy heads off to a whole new world. I can't wait to watch him learn. He surprises us almost daily with his language, actions and behavior. 

Cheers to class of 2030. Kindergarten is only the beginning!

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