Monday, December 19, 2016

Twas The Weekend Before Christmas

Phew, the last weekend before Christmas! I Cannot believe we are already here. 

We had a great, cold weekend. Friday we ran some errands and of course made our way to a park so the kids could get out of the house and run free. This is how Chloe chose to spend her outside time... Can you see the water up to her knees? Oh, this girl...

Saturday, I had to make one quick trip to the grocery store to get a few things to make goodies and this is how Chloe was dressed. YUP, I was that mom. I let her wear footsie pjs, with shoes of course, and a sleeping beauty princess dress. I wish I was on it enough to have taken a pic of her in the cart with her dress up all around her. But this was all I remembered to get. There were a few sweet moms who came over and talked to her and told her they liked her dress. She LOVED it. 

Saturday night we went to Santa Claus Lane to watch their light show. A whole Cul-de-sac has their Christmas lights coordinated to music! Saturday, they did a Frozen themed night. The kids LOVED it. They also got to meet Santa- which was really a teen aged boy dressed up for the kids- for the first time and they met Elsa too! What a night. 

Santa Claus Lane

This is my favorite video, maybe ever! (make sure you can hear the music when you watch it :) )

Of course we did some Christmas books too. This working mom totally dropped the ball and I am super behind on this great new Christmas tradition idea I had. BUUUUTT, oh well. Here are the last 2 we read....

The obligatory photo... 

Such a 4-year-old boy smile... I love it!

We loved both of these books! I have a special spot in my heart for books that rhyme and both of these do!

As Christmas week kicks off, I hope you are enjoying family time and aren't having to spend too much time out braving the masses in the stores and on the roads. 

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