Wednesday, September 12, 2018

4-Year-Old Math Prodigy

Recently in our family, Sonic the Hedgehog has been quite the obsession fan favorite. Naturally, as parents we use that 'love' to come up with way to teach our little ones skills, namely MATH. With first grade and preschool respectively the current scene for our kids, we had to figure out a way to work on math in a more imaginative way.  Therefore, ‘Sonic Math’ has become a regular problem solving game between the 4 of us. Example: “ If Sonic has 4 rings and gets 3 more rings, how many rings does Sonic have?” The preschooler loves to participate even though her question asking skills typically need a bit more work….Until last weekend. She Blew. MY. MIND.

Upon her request while on a road trip (details to come) she wanted to do Sonic Math. After I asked a question, she decided it was her turn. And this is what followed….”If Amy Rose (another Sonic character for those without Sonic loving peeps in their house) had 17 rings and landed on the spikes and lost all of her rings, how many spikes did Amy Rose land on?”

WHAT! This 4-year-old cutie patootie just came up with the MOST complex Sonic Math problem I have ever heard. I mean, this is genius level math. Like Calculus much?

She got too embarrassed to say it again, so we never really got the answer she came up with in her head. Maybe someday she will shine her calculus loving math mind with the rest of us. Until then, it’s My Little Pony, PJ Masks and Minnie Mouse until the cows the come home.

Have you kids every asked or said someth
ing that blew your mind? And, I'd love to hear your answers to the math problem!

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