Thursday, June 15, 2017

Luke is 5

Last month we celebrated our oldest's 5th birthday. Five years since I became a mom. Five years of tiny hands and feet. Five years of growing, learning and creating memories. 

Luke changed our lives. He was a pretty easy baby, due to his stay at the Special Care nursery he was on a schedule early on. Which was great because I am a planner by nature and the schedule thing really worked for me. 

It has been so much watching him grow. He started preschool this year, two days a week. He was on a soccer team and participated in Awanas. It's an interesting thing, watching your heart go out into the world. He spent the majority of his first four years at home and sending him off to new experiences has been bittersweet for me. With each new activity, I am reminded how quickly time has passed and how much he has grown. It's been amazing to watch him prepare for kindergarten and see his love for learning. He is the silliest of boys with an amazing memory- we are often surprised at things he can remember or things we have told him.

I get excited to think about his future. Our boy. Our firstborn.

Back when baths included the kitchen sink!

Luke's first Christmas

Luke's second christmas

Adding a new title- he sure had no clue what kind of change it was going to be, lol.

Mario for halloween, Chloe wasn't having it

He has taken on the big brother role with such ease. He loves and protects her often. Of course there are fights- I expect there always will be-but there is ALWAYS love. It melts my heart to watch them give a hug and kiss to each other before bed. To hear them laugh together, nothing like it.

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