Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Cousins Are Our First Friends

We have all seen the Facebook meme that says Cousins Are Our First Friends. That is so true for my kiddos. Aside from our best friends and their kids, the cousins are the only other kids Luke and Chloe are around (aside from Luke starting preschool a few months ago). It is fascinating to me that Luke is only 7 months other than  cousin Addie and Chloe is just 7 months younger than cousin Emmy. And, we love little Caelum, since Luke was the only boy with 4 girl cousins. And we love Naomi, the oldest and the one Luke can look up to.  Both sets of cousins live 4-5 hours away, but we recently got to visit with both families!

These three after Disney on Ice

Checking out Storybook Land ( more on that later :) )

The cousins having a popcorn picnic

Playing on Nana's play set

The 5 Nelson cousins taking Christmas pictures together last November ( ages 8, 4, 3, 2 and almost 1)

PS. Tomorrow is our 9th wedding anniversary, wahoo!!!

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